june 19-22, 2025
46K • 23K • 18k • 11K • Ascent • iron face

2pm-7pm | Packet Pickup for ALL distances (Funitel Plaza)
4pm-6pm | Trail Shoe Demo & Shakeout Run, presented by Salomon with Believe in the Run (Salomon tent)
5:30pm-7:30pm | “How to Run with Poles” with Tim Tollefson, presented by LEKI with Donner Party Mountain Runners & Alpenglow Sports (LEKI tent)
FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2024
5am-12pm | Packet Pickup for VK, Triple Crown, Iron Crown & Iron Face Challenge Distances ONLY (Funitel Plaza)
9am-10am | MANDATORY Pre-Race Iron Face Challenge/Iron Crown Meeting (Palisades Ballroom)
9am-5pm | Vendor Village Open
9:30am | VK Start (Slope above Palisades Kids building)
9:30am-11:45am | Packet Pickup for 18k ONLY (Funitel Plaza)
11am-7pm | Catered Post-Race Meals Available by Men Wielding Fire (Funitel Plaza)
12pm | Iron Face Challenge/Iron Crown Start (in front of Tram building)
12pm | 18k Start (European Arch near Coffeebar)
12pm-7pm | Packet Pickup for all distances (Funitel Plaza)
12:45pm-2:15pm | Trailgating with Dylan Bowman presented by Freetrail (KT Sundeck)
1pm-2pm | Hydration Gear Cleaning & Repair with HydraPak (HydraPak tent)
3pm | VK Awards Ceremony (KT Sundeck)
3:30pm | 18k Awards Ceremony (KT Sundeck)
4pm-6:30pm | 18k Friendship Finish Line Fiesta with Romy Ancona (Funitel Plaza)
5pm-6pm | Trail Shoe Demo & Shakeout Run, presented by Salomon with Believe in the Run (Salomon tent)
5pm | Iron Face Challenge Awards Ceremony (KT Sundeck)
7pm-7:45pm | 23k & 46k Pre-Race Meeting (Palisades Ballroom)

5am-8:15am | Packet Pickup 11k & 46k Distances (Funitel Plaza)
7am | 46k Start (European Arch near Coffeebar)
8am-9am | Morning Donut Social with Andy Wacker presented by Darn Tough Vermont (Darn Tough Vermont tent)
8am-12pm | FREE Pancake Breakfast presented by Kodiak Cakes & Donner Party Mountain Runners (Funitel Plaza)
9am-5pm | Vendor Village Open
8:30am | 11k Start (European Arch near Coffeebar)
9am-3pm | Packet Pickup Kids Race & 23k Distances (Funitel Plaza)
10am-11am | Hydration Gear Cleaning & Repair with HydraPak (HydraPak tent)
11am-7pm | Catered Post-Race Meals Available by Men Wielding Fire (Funitel Plaza)
11am-7pm | DJ Coach (Funitel Plaza/Finish Line)
12pm | 11k Awards Ceremony (KT Sundeck)
1pm-2:30pm | Trailgating with Dylan Bowman presented by Freetrail (KT Sundeck)
2:30pm-3:30pm | “How to Run with Poles” with Tim Tollefson, presented by LEKI with Donner Party Mountain Runners (Leki tent)
3pm-4pm | Adaptive Athlete Panel with Dani Aravich, Jacky Hunt-Broersma & Jeremy Ogle (KT Sundeck)
4pm-5pm | Inclusivity Panel with Priscilla Rojas, David Lam, Romy Ancona, Mirna Valerio & Dani Aravich (KT Sundeck)
5pm-6pm | Hydration Gear Cleaning & Repair with HydraPak (HydraPak tent)
5pm-6pm | Broken Arrow Advisory Panel Meet & Greet presented by Darn Tough Vermont (KT Sundeck)
6pm-7pm | Shakeout Run & GPS Watch Demo and inReach Mini Giveaway presented by Garmin & Tailwind Nutrition with Dylan Bowman, Amanda Basham (Garmin tent)
7pm | 46k Awards Ceremony (Funitel Plaza)
8pm-9pm | Trails in Motion Film Festival presented by Victorysport Design (KT Sundeck)

SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 2024
5am-8:30am | Packet Pickup for 23k & Kids Race Distances (Funitel Plaza)
7am-8:30am | Salomon Trail Shoe Demo & Believe in the Run Golden Trail Series Cheer Squad with Thomas Neuberger, Robbe Reddinger (Salomon tent)
8am | 23k Start (European Arch near Coffeebar)
8am-12pm | FREE Pancake Breakfast presented by Kodiak Cakes & Donner Party Mountain Runners (Funitel Plaza)
8am-4pm | Vendor Village Open
8:45am | Kid’s Race Start (Funitel Plaza)
9:30am-10:30am | Book Signing with Special Guest (Salomon tent)
10am-11am | Hydration Gear Cleaning & Repair with HydraPak (HydraPak tent)
10am-3pm | 23k Finish Line DJ with Romy Ancona & DJ Coach(Funitel Plaza/Finish Line)
10am-4pm | Catered Post-Race Meals Available by Men Wielding Fire (Funitel Plaza)
10:30am-11:30am | Otter Pop Social presented by Darn Tough Vermont (Darn Tough Vermont tent)
11am-12:30pm | Trailgating with Dylan Bowman presented by Freetrail (KT Sundeck)
1pm | 23k Awards Ceremony (KT Sundeck)
1:15pm | Triple Crown & Iron Crown Awards Ceremonies (KT Sundeck)